Eleventh Anniversary of the Passing of Dr. Stefan de Schill

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Stefan de Schill ca. 1948, when he joined AMHF as Director of Research at the request of author Hermann Broch and Dr. Otto Kauders.

Yesterday, February 9, 2016, was the eleventh anniversary of the death of Dr. Stefan de Schill: Ash Wednesday, 2005, and the earliest Western date this holiday could fall. Today, February 10 of 2016, is Ash Wednesday. We honor the vision and work of Dr. de Schill always.

De Schill’s long and fruitful career, his passion for helping individuals with emotional problems in as inexpensive (he firmly believed that some appropriate material-contribution by patients, based on each one’s income, all directed toward The American Mental Health Foundation, functioned as an inducement to focus and promote attention toward emotional struggles and eventual healing) a manner as possible, going back in the United Statess to the late-1940s, is more thoroughly laid out in his magnum opus Crucial Choices—Crucial Changes, which is available from AMHF Books, as well as two edited books viewable for free on this website, under Publications. These books are also available in German and French on that same “Publications” page by scrolling down. In addition to the foreign-language works and for free is Dr. de Schill’s classic introduction to group therapy.

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