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American Mental Health Foundation
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Thanking all visitors and everyone with a passion for Getting Involved for your support!
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Evander Lomke, President & Executive Director, launched the publishing program, AMHF Books, 15 years ago. It currently features more than 30 titles, including the tragically timely Preventing Youth Violence Before It Begins. This select enterprise expands the international educational-and-research mission of AMHF that Mr. Lomke and the late vice president of AMHF, Eugene P. Gollogly helped develop: publishing programs at Frederick Ungar; Crossroad/Continuum, along with Dr. William Van Ornum, FAPA, of the AMHF advisory board, author of many books for professionals and general readers, who, with Eugene C. Kennedy, founded The Continuum Counseling Series. Today, Van Ornum is a retired professor from Marist College as well as from clinical directorship of Astor Day Treatment. Mr. Lomke has edited authorities in the field such as Reuben Fine, Robert T. Francoeur, Lucy Freeman, John Money, Herbert S. Strean, and several posthumous writings of Erich Fromm. Mr. Lomke is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Gamma Chapter.