The Eleventh Annual Report of The American Mental Health Foundation

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Annual Report of AMHF November 1, 2022, to October 31, 2023. As of November 1, 2023, The American Mental Health Foundation has done outstanding work for 100 years.

This is the Eleventh Annual Report of The American Mental Health Foundation, an association formed in 1924, incorporated in New York State in 1954. AMHF celebrates eleven decades of philanthropic service and activities—“A National Organization for the Advancement of Mental Health”—likely an unprecedented long-term record to and for the public.

The fuller-goal of AMHF for the fiscal year 2022-23 and beyond: Everything You Wanted to Know about Mental Health. AMHF aims to be “a full-service” organization toward this ideal.

The period of COVID-19 continues as a challenge, even in its official aftermath as a pandemic, as the work of this foundation has continued. In 2022, the Board of Directors authorized the first significant descriptive-change in the Mission Statement, thereby taking AMHF into an exciting future:

For a century and in times of social change, a not-for-profit organization advancing the public understanding of mental health by educating through books, articles, website blogs, and workshops.

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The fiscal year, which concludes as noted, October 31, 2023, was one of extraordinary positive change following the most-intense COVID-19 years, 2020-21, when no Annual Reports were filed. However, these were far from fallow-years….

°AMHF is listed with PayPal Giving Fund beginning April 2019 to the present. The support of PayPal Giving Fund has been welcome and, for the period 2019-23, is significant. Check it, and us, out!

° AMHF continued into spring 2020 as an Accredited Charity of the Better Business Bureau of New York. AMHF, on its own, has an even more ambitious goal in 2023-24 of directing 85 cents of every donated-dollar toward its 3 Strong Program Areas (see below).

°AMHF Books is an enterprising publishing program and since mid-2022 newly distributed by Ingram, the largest wholesaler to professional and general markets, to disseminate the research and goals of AMHF: Erich Fromm (to February 2025), Dr. Stefan de Schill, Dr. Raymond B. Flannery Jr., Dr. Henry Kellerman, Dr. David J. Gavin, Dr. Joanne H. Gavin, and Dr. James Campbell Quick are its authors. Some of the best-selling titles remain Beyond Freud, The Heart of Man, The Pathology of Normalcy, and The Revolution of Hope by Fromm; Crucial Choices—Crucial Changes: The Resurrection of Psychotherapy by de Schill; The Assaulted Staff Action Program (ASAP), The Violent Person, Posttraumatc Stress Disorder: The Victim’s Guide, and Preventing Youth Violence Before It Begins by Flannery; Personality: How It Forms, The Origin of Language, and, in 2025, The Psychoanalytic Codes among many others by Kellerman; as well as Live Your Dreams, Change the World: The Psychology of Personal Fulfillment for Women by Gavin, Quick, and Gavin.

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Vision: Building a More Compassionate Society—Get Involved in 2022-23!

We are often asked to give specific examples of people we have helped. This is a reasonable question, but a difficult one for any research-oriented organization to answer except to say, from our history of group psychotherapy, many; and today the long-term benefits that derive from our seminars, webinars, postings on Facebook, the website with its Help dropdown, and publications collectively ripple through the culture, in surprising ways, to enlighten and inspire.

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Mission: Facebook Page will reflect this direction in the coming months. AMHF also posts on “X” (formerly known as Twitter).


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History: The History dropdown describes the key role of 1940s chairman Hermann Broch. A giant of 20th-century Austrian literature and social psychology, Broch was aided out of Vienna, following the Austrian Anschluss, by James Joyce, as one of his (Joyce’s) last acts. Broch and Otto Kauders recruited Dr. Stefan de Schill for the position of director of research in 1948, a title de Schill retained for nearly 60 sixty years.

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2019-23 Leadership Changes: Michelle Harrison, MD, agreed to join the AMHF professional-advisory board in 2018, and was reelected to the board of directors in 2021. She is the only individual to hold both positions. Dr. Harrison founded and directs Childlife Preserve Shishur Sevay in Calcutta (Kolkata). Her essential philanthropic and charitable work can be linked from the AMHF website. John P. Fowler is no longer treasurer; now functioning as a special-financial consultant. Evander Lomke holds the titles of president and interim treasurer. On March 1, 2022, Dr. Raymond B. Flannery Jr. was elected to the board of directors. The foundation is publisher (see above) of Dr. Flannery’s groundbreaking research on violence, personal stress, and PTSD, as well as issuing his many substantive blogs found on this website.

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AMHF works in 3 Strong Program Areas:

· research

· educational

· books in areas related to research


Research. A groundbreaking two-year control study under the direction of Dr. Suzanne Button formerly of Astor Services for Children & Families, of individuals with documented-behavioral issues, between the ages of 8 and 14, identifies factors and causes that could develop as later-life schizophrenia or in the form of other psychoses. Given the dearth of analysis in the area of predictive-psychiatric behavior among youth, AMHF had established this as its principal research-and-programming goals into 2016 (publication date of the study was April 16, 2015): to support important and necessary studies, AMHF Books issues these findings as Early Identification, Palliative Care, and Prevention of Psychotic Disorders in Children and Youth.

>AMHF requires a substantial gift for other such studies.

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Publishing. See AMHF Books above.

AMHF Books includes 30 titles since its launch in fall 2009. All titles, all formats, are available from Amazon if not for free in the website. AMHF Books is strong in the following areas:

° Group therapy

° Personality formation

° PTSD, violence, bereavement, and life-stress

° Social psychology

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Seminars/Webinars. As a vital aspect of its mission, in 2014 at the FDR Presidential Library in Hyde Park, New York, AMHF inaugurated its three seminars, “The Stefan de Schill Memorial Series.” This series was conceived as a two-day seminar “Small Family Business, Big Family Stress.” All seminars, whether two-day or one-day, are free.

Due to burgeoning costs in publicizing, the seminar series was superseded by two interactive webinars—which offer 2 CEU through APT, NASW, and NBCC. As of summer 2022, professionals and students continue to sign up for one of the Webinars, and for CEU, at the cost of $35.

>Additional funding is sought to defray the prohibitive costs of even successful, especially successful,Webinars and seminars, since as part of its mission AMHF keeps the cost for taking its Webinars well below “market value.”All Seminars are free.

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Website: The site is being reevaluated to be more forward-looking, though presently costs are prohibitive. There is a plan for a special 100th-anniversary popup in 2024.

>Of news to most of the medical community is an August 14, 2018, posting on SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy). Current scientific thinking is that significantly more individuals die of SUDEP, an inexplicable dysfunction of the brain among individuals with epilepsy, than from SIDS (so-called crib death). A coauthored article was issued online, and then in print in January 2019, in Pychiatric Quarterly. Authors Flannery and AMHF Lomke have been invited to write and/or speak for/at more than 50 venues through 2023.

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Professional Advisory Board: AMHF has an enviable professional-advisory board of 15 experts. As noted, in June 2018 Michelle Harrison, MD, agreed to be the 15th adviser. Her exceptional background in psychopharmacology, and current work with orphaned and disabled young women in India, are a significant fit for the Mission of AMHF.

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Income and Fundraising: There is a single modest endowment, the Baschkopf Family Fund. The generosity of Ms. Rosaria N. Tomasetta, half of whose estate was donated to AMHF in August 2012, had been an important source of funding. In 2017, AMHF received a portion of the estate of the late Ms. Gwendolyn T. Curry. All 2022-24 donors are listed on the AMHF website, and each is encouraged to partner more fully.

The latest AMHF-audit and New York State Charities Bureau filings are posted on the website under Donate

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>Long-range Future: Did you know that (U.S.) society is on the verge of the largest-generational transfer of wealth in history? The American Mental Health Foundation fits in these plans.

The AMHF mission and accomplishments are outstanding for a nonprofit of its scale.

Know when you give you are supporting, as noted, one of the first philanthropic organizations of its kind in the world on the eve of its 99th year since formation. AMHF, a 501(c)(3) charity as described, is committed to expansion and extension of its mission and outreach in a way that will benefit individuals and society by, among other undertakings, especially focusing on the specific emotional needs and issues confronted by the disabled and elders, a growing demographic, who are under-served,

>Following are 9 key areas or research programs alongside the following fund-raising goals:

· Schizophrenia $250,000

· AMHF-Pearson Assessment (Developmentally Delayed) $600,000 ($50K donated 2016-17)

· PTSD $150,000

· Suicide Prevention $150,000

· Depression $250,000

· OCD $150,000

· Alcoholism $150,000

· Animal-companion Bereavement $150,000

· SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy) $150,000


Give generously to The American Mental Health Foundation. The directors of AMHF thank you for reading this Annual Report and welcome comments and improvements of service via the site under dropdown “Contact.”



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