
The American Mental Health Foundation

AMHF, for its 100 years, is dedicated to the welfare of all people with emotional problems. AMHF works to end the stigma, especially with respect to young people. When you donate you are also giving to support the public good. Following are sobering facts and statistics:

– 1 in 5 children—either currently or at some time during his or her lifetime—has, will have, or has had a seriously debilitating mental disorder (National Institute of Mental Health)

– For youth between the ages of 10 and 34 suicide is the second-leading cause of death: thousands lost every year

– Twelve million children are poor and possibly 40 percent of them live in extreme poverty (Children’s Defense Fund)

Effective Altruism (EA) is much in the news.

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The Baschkopf Family Fund in Conjunction with UJA; The Estate of Lillian Berinstein; Charities Aid Foundation AmericaThe Estate of Gwendolyn T. Curry; The Annie L. Hankins Trust; The Herbert Hoffman Trust; The Ruth Hoffman Charitable Remainder Trust; The Estate of Isadore L. Klein; Michael Leach; Dolores Lipshonsky; Marvin Lipshonsky; LMEPAC Charity Program; Network for Good; PayPal Giving Fund; I. Ryabczak; Julia A. Rogge; Janice Caporicci Stavros and Vasilios Stavros; The Estate of Rosaria N. TomasettaTRUiST/frontstream; United Way; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Winsor


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In its centennial-year 2024, this foundation looks to your help and support to sustain its mission: to continue growing, serving society as it continues to heal. Let’s end the stigmas attached to mental health!

Donors in 2024 are listed immediately below. Donors in 2023 and 2022, respectively, follow. Thank you, all!

Charities Aid Foundation America; Margaret Dempsey; Mrs. Georgina J. Flannery and Dr. Raymond B. Flannery Jr.; Rémi Fournier Lanzoni; Network for Good; PayPal Giving Fund; Progressive Insurance Foundation; Julia A. Rogge; Jeannine Ventimiglia; Ben Wells

2023: Kyle Agpalo; Charities Aid Foundation America; Marcia J. Clendenen; Josh Foltz; Rémi Fournier Lanzoni; Ta-Sean C. Murdock; Brian Murray; Network for Good; PayPal Giving Fund; Richard A. Riley; Kimberley Williams

2022: Charities Aid Foundation America; Jammie Cowan; Fidelity Charitable; frontstream; Givinga Foundation; Rémi Fournier Lanzoni; Linda S. Loeb; Evander Lomke; PayPal Giving Fund; Rebecca Paluczak; Kenyon Rhymes; Raymond Riccelli; Julia A. Rogge; Janice Rost; Julia Sammon; Janice Caporicci Stavros and Vasilios Stavros; Dorothy Stone; Target Corporation Employee Giving; Akim Watts; Valenice Castronovo Waxman; Kara Wilkinson; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Winsor


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AMHF exists through the generosity and selflessness of its donors: You! Click here for one of our research projects, in conjunction with Astor Services for Children & Families. This American Mental Health Foundation-Astor Services Study, written by Mary Nichols, Suzanne Button, Katherine Hoopole, and Laura Lappan, has been published as Early Identification, Palliative Care, and Prevention of Psychotic Disorders in Children and Youth, and can be ordered by clicking on the above link.

Please also follow AMHF on twitter (X) and “Like” us on Facebook.

Your help, your gifts are urgently needed in 2024. See your generosity in action!

AMHF has reestablished the following fund-raising goals for all its projected programs in 2024:

– Schizophrenia ($350,000)
– PTSD ($150,000)
– Suicide Prevention ($150,000)
– Depression ($150,000)
– OCD ($150,000)
– Alcoholism ($150,000)
– The Developmentally Delayed and Elders Assessments ($650,000)
– Animal-companion Bereavement ($150,000)
SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy) ($150,000)


See toward the bottom of this page, regarding protecting the privacy of donors. This charitable organization never collects or uses such information, including non-personal tracking or “cookies.” 

Please click the button immediately below and give generously to the American Mental Health Foundation today. You may donate by credit or debit card through PayPal’s secure system. You do not need a PayPal account to donate. Please also see below for other options. AMHF is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization recognized by the federal government. All donations are fully tax-deductible.

Planning Your Support of AMHF in 2024 and Beyond

There are several effective ways to support the American Mental Health Foundation though a Legacy Bequest. To learn more about the many ways to support the work of AMHF, please explore the links below and then email elomke[at]

Bequest in Your Will The way most people include AMHF in their estate plans.

Beneficiary Designations Easy to do—Revocable if circumstances change.

Charitable Remainder Trusts A way to provide income for yourself or a loved one and a future gift for AMHF.

Charitable Lead Trusts Make your assets work overtime; first for AMHF, then for your family.

Retained Life-estate Donate your home to AMHF, but do not move out.

Discover a Tax-wise Way to Give! If you are at least 73 years old (always consult with your accountant or tax-adviser as regulations change) you can make a gift from your IRA: A direct transfer from your IRA without paying taxes on the amount you transfer. The transfer generates neither taxable-income nor a tax-deduction. You benefit even if you do not itemize your tax-deductions. You may transfer any amount, up to the maximum allowed by current (2024) law, per year, directly from your IRA. If you are required to take a minimum distribution, you can use your gift to satisfy all or part of your obligation. Please also see the following paragraph.

With the Tax Reduction Act of 2017 (see also the Inflation Deduction Act of 2022) many donors will no longer be deducting individual deductions on their tax returns (as a result of the increased standard-deduction of $12,000). However, direct contributions from IRAs have the effect of reducing taxable income. Such donations are counted toward RMD (required-minimum distribution), and are not limited in any way.

To repeat: Consult your certified accountant or attorney for any and all changes in regulations and law.

Please contact us for more information about giving stocks, mutual funds, or bonds:

Office of Legacy Planned Giving and Development, American Mental Health Foundation, Box 3, Riverdale, NY 10471-0003;  or, elomke[at]

We will work with you and your financial adviser to help you plan a gift to The American Mental Health Foundation that meets our research and dissemination goals as well as your needs and expectations.

Support the future of The American Mental Health Foundation (AMHF) and become an important lasting participant in our mission! The American Mental Health Foundation (AMHF) Measuring Effectiveness Policy WHEREAS, The AMHF board of directors seeks to establish a policy on effectiveness assessment to help ensure that the organization has defined, measurable goals in place and objectives in place to evaluate the successes and impact of its program in fulfilling these goals and objectives, IT IS THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT the directors adopt the following policy:

(1) At least once every two years, AMHF will review its goals and objectives toward achieving its mission and will complete a performance-and-effectiveness assessment of its programs based on that review. The most-recent review was in November 2018. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the next is planned for autumn 2024.

(2) This first such assessment was in 2012 and was conducted again under the authority of the directors in October 2014, November 2016, October 31, 2017, as well as October 30, 2018 (annual), and November 2020; these and all relevant biannual assessments were and are pursuant to examination by the accounting firm Kimerling & Wisdom, as part of an audit as well as part of the October 31, 2017, directors’ meeting. The firm Kimerling & Wisdom conducts reviews every fiscal year, with annual filings (see below) by March of any year with the federal government and New York State Charities Bureau. Again, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as with so much else (as noted), one internal report had to be postponed, with a goal of returning to normal, March-time reporting, in 2023-24.

(3) AMHF and its directors will receive a written report of this assessment: (a) Describing the activities that it undertook in the prior two years to achieve its goals and objectives, (b) Identifying the measures used to assess AMHF effectiveness in achieving its goals and objectives, (c) Analyzing the effectiveness of AMHF programs in achieving the AMHF goals and objectives, and (d) Recommending future actions AMHF will take to increase effectiveness based on the findings.

(4) At the conclusion of this process, AMHF revised its goals and objectives in fall 2014, as needed, and will again following the directors’ meeting of October 31, 2017 (and October 30, 2018, last revisited as well as November 2020), and will offer means of measuring them in autumn 2024.

AMHF respects the privacy of its visitors and never collects personal information. As noted above, AMHF does not in any way attempt to track individuals in any manner (gather personal information), and this charitable organization does not link the website information to any other databases with the purpose of identifying individual-website users. (When visiting links to other sites, AMHF encourages you to review the privacy-policy statements of each site you visit.) Any questions and comments regarding The American Mental Health Foundation Privacy Policy should be directed to: elomke[at] or by mail to American Mental Health Foundation, Box 3, Riverdale, NY 10471-0003.

View the most-recent tax-filing document here.

View the most-recent accounting report of functional expenses here.

View the most-recent 2020-21 Annual Report, prepared September 6, 2022, here.