The Price of Affluence
by Evander Lomke on
I was much taken with a New York Times article from several months ago. The article explained that with a rising middle class in India comes a greater need for psychotherapy among many more people.
Stress has (sadly) reached gargantuan proportions, In our high-pressured 21st-century world, evermore the McLuhanistic Global Village, everyone everywhere requires better mental-health care. The goal of AMHF is to help professionals deal with the rising tide of individuals who require better, more-intensive care.
In 2009, under the American Mental Health Foundation imprint, watch for The Violent Person by Dr. Raymond B. Flannery Jr. Dr. Flannery is a nationally recognized expert on PTSD and stress-management, He is associated with Harvard University, and the author of many books and hundreds of scientific articles.