Books from Colleagues at ACA
by William Van Ornum, Ph.D. on

Here are some worthwhile books that can be ordered from the American Counseling Association (ANA):
1. Hays, D. G. (2013). Assessment in Counseling: A Guide to the Use of Psychological Assessment Procedures. Fifth Edition.
This is a bestselling text, and the latest version includes updates and changes in assessment procedures. Test selection, interpretation of findings, and communication of these to others in a professional manner are covered. More than 100 tests are described.
The issue of assessment may be particularly important for those seeking masters-level licensing in counseling fields—some disorder, e.g., schizophrenia and major depression, among others, must be seen under supervision.
2. ACA Office of Professional Affairs (2013). Licensure Requirements for Professional Counselors: A State-by-State Report.
Professional counselors are licensed in all fifty states, but the requirements and scope of practice requirements may vary. Some require an exam, the amount of CE credits needed yearly varies, and there can be issues with reciprocity.
This is an essential book for any graduate student or professional who is thinking of moving his or her employment or professional practice to another state. Knowing this material could save a counselor a great deal of aggravation and confusion in the future.
3. Herlihy, B., and Corey, G. (2006). ACA Ethical Standards Casebook, Sixth Edition.
Each profession has its own ethics. Although psychology, psychiatry, social work, and counseling may share themes, there are differences and it is important to recognize them.
This book offers a detailed analysis of the 2005 ACA Code of Ethics, the last major revision of this document.
In addition to the standards themselves, there are case studies and vignettes that show the application of principles. Recent modifications of the code specific to this version include modifications to thinking on dual relationships, online counseling, and the nuances of culturally sensitive counseling.
4. Webber, J., and Mascari, J. B. (eds., 2010). Terrorism, Trauma, and Tragedies: A Counselor’s Guide to Preparing and Responding, Third Edition.
Recent events in Boston have underscored the need for professional examination and analysis of helpful responses to emergencies and tragedies. This book assesses Virginia Tech, Northern Illinois University, Gulf Coast Hurricanes, a deadly earthquake in China, as well as trauma that may affect military families. It is a hands-on resource offering lessons learned, crisis plans, and treatment strategies: all from established professionals.
5. Bauman, Sheri (2011).Cyber-bullying: What Counselors Need to Know.
Cyberbullying is a large problem, across small towns to large cities, and professional groups are only now beginning to offer strategies that address this problem. The book addresses real-life issues that students face on the Internet, including harassing messages, disclosure of inappropriate personal information, social exclusion, and cyber-stalking. There is a helpful appendix with review of the latest cyberbullying research.