“Like the Gay, ‘Love that Dare Not Speak Its Name,’ Depression Is Now Shouting!”
by Evander Lomke on
The title of this blog is in quotes since it derives from the second part of a series Dick Cavett published in the New York Times. Part 2 appeared on July 11, 2008.
The link is highly recommended.
Comments received on part 1, Cavett notes, approached 500 in number, an extraordinary volume of mail and e-messages. A fraction of these reactions is included in the link. All are fascinating.
A few names are judiciously dropped, mostly to chronicle Cavett’s own “black dog”: Tennessee Williams, Sir Laurence Olivier, Marlon Brando. The third-named proves to Cavett that on bad days he (Cavett) was actually doing “ten times better” than he felt. To prove this, Brando insists Cavett watch a tape of a show he hosted, on a particularly down day. (The guest was Sir Laurence.) Cavett is stunned to see how well he performed: Brando credits a kind of mental “automatic pilot.”
Aren’t we all on this form of “auto pilot” sometimes?
Depression is the number-one emotional concern in the United States. (Read the AMHF interview with Alexandra Styron.)
Depression is at a crisis level.
Depression is a leading cause of substance abuse.
At its most unbearable, depression only ends in suicide.
AMHF is committed to a different ending, an ending of the suffering and denial; AMHF is dedicated to enlightened advocacy, and what Erich Fromm characterizes as a “sane society”; to understanding stress-causes and triggers via research, to making depression in its many manifestations and degrees a subject that is no longer stigmatized, so that its sufferers can shout: “Look this way. Please! Recognize my warning signs. I need and deserve professional help!”