For Mental Health Month: Excellent Advance Notice Coping with Anxiety in an Age of Terrorism by Dr. Raymond B. Flannery Jr. in the Midwest Book Review

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Coping with Anxiety in an Age of Terrorism - Raymond Flannery

Now available as an audiobook!

Vogel’s Bookshelf

Coping with Anxiety in An Age of Terrorism Dr. Raymond B. Flannery Jr.
American Mental Health Foundation
PO Box 3, Riverdale, NY 10471-0003
9781590565605, $12.00, PB, 112pp,

Synopsis: The use of terrorism to promote a cause is a tragical reality of our times in almost every country in the world. It is now common place in Europe and North America to see urban-transit systems post signs “if you see something, say something”. The warning appears in several languages. Yet, paradoxically, there is as yet no known profile of a terrorist.Coping with Anxiety in An Age of Terrorism by Raymond B. Flannery Jr. (Associate Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry [Part Time], Harvard Medical School as well as Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, University of Massachusetts Medical School) is a reassuring study that is directed at two specific readerships: the hypervigilant public that ever anticipates the next random terrorist incident and professionals toward whom the public turns for support following such events.

The message, from this expert on life-stress and violence is sobering and timely: Once the immediate danger has passed, it is necessary to make our understandable anxiety more tolerable so that we are not overcome by our fears of such terrorist events.

Coping with Anxiety in An Age of Terrorism specifically shows how.

Critique: Impressively informed and informative, thoroughly “reader friendly” in organization and presentation, Coping with Anxiety in An Age of Terrorism is an extraordinary and urgently recommended addition to both community and academic library collections. For the personal reading lists of counselors, students, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subject, it should be noted that Coping with Anxiety in An Age of Terrorism is also available in a Kindle format ($5.99).

Paul T. Vogel
Additionally, this review will be archived on our Midwest Book Review website for the next five years at

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