In Memory of Dr. Stefan de Schill
by Evander Lomke on

February 9, 2023, is the eighteenth anniversary of the death of Dr. Stefan de Schill. In 2005, that day was on Ash Wednesday, the earliest date Ash Wednesday could fall.
The directors of The American Mental Health Foundation take some moments to honor Dr. de Schill’s memory. As long-time director of research, he devoted his life, particularly his later career, to advocating for improved methods of mental-health training and treatment, especially for elders.
Dr. de Schill was a pioneer in the field of group psychotherapy, by which the patient could benefit from the group-dynamic as well as by way of a most-important goal: affordable treatment.
This was Stefan de Schill’s way of helping society.
De Schill’s life-work was praised, among others in the field, by Serge Lebovici (the French edition of their collaboration, from Presses Universitaires de France, is pictured), who closely studied John Bowlby on attachment theory.
Of de Schill, Lebovici commented: “Few indeed are those who have the integrity and the expertise to oppose the ever-increasing trend of shallow practices, ambiguous language, and nebulous thinking in our field. Therefore, one should highly praise these invaluable efforts in this direction.”
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