Donate: Beneficiary Designations

If you would like to include a gift to AMHF in your estate plans without changing your will, consider making the American Mental Health Foundation the beneficiary of one of these:

  • A life insurance policy
  • Your IRA or other retirement plan
  • A savings account
  • A stock brokerage account or mutual fund


Easy to Do in 2025!

Simply contact your insurance agent or IRA administrator and ask for a change of beneficiary form. You might be able to get the form online. Add American Mental Health Foundation, Box 3, Riverdale, NY 10471-0003; federal tax ID 13-6161164 as a new beneficiary to receive a portion of the death benefit/remainder.

For the bank and brokerage accounts, ask your representatives how you can make them Transfer on Death (TOD) accounts. Then name American Mental Health Foundation as the entity that will receive whatever remains in those accounts at your demise.

Office of Legacy Planned Giving and Development, American Mental Health Foundation, Box 3, Riverdale, NY 10471-0003
