Many people have provided for AMHF in their wills. As you review the various deferred gifts discussed on our website, please keep in mind that one of the simplest ways for you to perpetuate the kind of mental-health advocacy, which we’ve been doing for more than 100 years, and resulting care that you value so highly is through your will; or, through an amendment to reflect your current plans.
You Can Decide in 2024!
In your will, you have choices as to how you name AMHF as a beneficiary. Whichever you select, it is important that your attorney know that bequests should be made to “American Mental Health Foundation, Box 3, Riverdale, NY 10471-0003.” Our federal-tax ID is 13-6161164.
– One possibility is a bequest of a fixed-dollar amount.
– Another is to give AMHF a percentage of the estate.
– Many prefer to designate AMHF to receive the residuary estate, or a portion of it.
Bequests are the way many individuals create endowed funds. If you do decide to restrict your bequest, for example to be used as an endowment, we ask that you include the following language in your will: “If at any time, in the judgment of the Board of The American Mental Health Foundation, it is no longer practicable to use the income or principal of this bequest for the purpose stated herein, I authorize them to use the income or principal for any purpose they deem to be consistent with such purpose.”
Please Let Us Know
If you’re planning to make AMHF one of your beneficiaries, we encourage you to tell us now. We can work with you and your advisers to make sure your legacy gift is planned and administered properly. It also gives us the opportunity to thank you and to welcome you as a member of our Legacy Society. Gifts can be arranged in memory or in honor of someone special, such as a family member. Requests for anonymity are respected.
To Learn More
Please contact us for more information:
Office of Legacy Planned Giving and Development
American Mental Health Foundation
Box 3
Riverdale, NY 10471-0003