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The Origin of Language by Dr. Henry Kellerman

Now published and available by clicking here, The Origin of Language is an important new title from American Mental Health Foundation Books. Order your copy today, and in doing so you are also supporting the mission of this foundation.


Maureen McKew Joins The American Mental Health Foundation Board of Directors

For 27 years, Maureen McKew has been associated with the Catechetical Office of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York, first as a volunteer, then as a consultant and, for almost 15 years, as a full-time staff member. She is the director of catechist formation, the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (a Montessori-based method of […]


Child Abuse, Natural Disasters, and Health Care Providers

A busy pediatrician looked troubled and tense. He had seen this five-year old, Angela, once before two years ago. Then, it was a fall from some playground equipment her mother had said. Today, mom reported that it was a fractured wrist due to a fall from Angela’s bicycle. However this didn’t explain the child’s two […]


Domestic Violence, Natural Disasters, and Health Care Providers

“Home is where the heart is” is a common expression that connotes caring and support. However in some homes it means heartache, medical injury, psychological terror, and even death. Not all family values are good, prosocial values; some are violent and destructive. Domestic violence (DV) refers to the physical, sexual, verbal/oral, and nonverbal acts of […]


The Assaulted Staff Action Program: 30 Years of Service to Employee Victims

It happens. Violence suddenly erupts. It may be in homes, in schools, in factories, in houses of worship, or in the community’s streets. We know what happens. The first responders arrive. The assailant is subdued. The media encamps and reports the incident(s). Counselors arrive to assist the victims and witnesses. What would happen if violence […]


Trauma Surgeons and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Mental toughness…..Mental toughness. A characteristic highly prized by trauma surgeons. Today, however, one trauma surgeon didn’t have it. She had difficulty concentrating, and the patient before her had serious life-threatening injuries that required her full attention. She had been a trauma surgeon now for twelve years. She was always excited about surgery and the chance […]


In Memory of Eugene P. Gollogly

In memory of our caring, always-optimistic, multi-talented colleague Gene Gollogly, October 4, 1950 – January 7, 2021: Vice President and member of the Board of Directors of The American Mental Health Foundation; a board member and officer of Brighter Green; co-founder with Martin Rowe of what is today the not-for-profit Lantern Publishing & Media; former […]


The Ninth Annual Report of The American Mental Health Foundation

Annual Report of AMHF November 1, 2018, to October 31, 2019 This is the Ninth Annual Report of The American Mental Health Foundation (AMHF), a research organization formed in 1924, incorporated in New York State in 1954. AMHF celebrates ten decades of philanthropic service and activities—“Advancing Mental Health:A Century of Excellence in Mental Health Research.”—likely […]


Preventing Youth Violence: Twenty Years Later (Enhanced Findings and Treatment Interventions, Part 2)

Twenty years ago I published a book (that link goes to the new edition, with additional information by scrolling down here) on a topic of national concern: preventing youth violence. The American Mental Health Foundation (AMHF) requested I write two blogs that highlighted the contents in the book. The first blog reviewed the early/serious/urgent warning […]

Preventing Youth Violence: A Guide for Parents, Teachers, and Counselors

Preventing Youth Violence: Twenty Years Later (New Findings, Part 1)

Twenty years ago I published a book on a topic of national concern: preventing youth violence (Flannery, 2012a). The American Mental Health Foundation (AMHF), with its emphasis on improving mental-health awareness, requested I write two blogs (herewith, in 2019, are these two new essays) on some of the topics in the book. The first blog, from […]

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