Author Archives: Evander Lomke

Dr. Eric J. Green Joins the AMHF Professional Advisory Board

The American Mental Health Foundation is delighted to announce distinguished Jungian play therapist and author Dr. Eric J. Green has joined its professional-advisory board. Dr. Green’s full bio can be read here. We encourage one and all to visit his superb Web site, Soulplay. AMHF is coming off Dr. Green’s well-attended (more than 300 registered) […]

11/6 FREE Webinar Is Selling out Fast Sign up Today!

The November 6 Free Interactive Webinar sponsored by AMHF, with Dr. Eric J. Green presenting on Disaster Mental Health with Children and Families has already had an overwhelming positive response. Wait no longer to sign up! Join Dr. Green and AMHF here. This Webinar is APT, NASW, and NBCC approved, and offers 2 CE Contact […]

The American Mental Health Foundation Also Publishes Books: Celebrating Five Years

American Mental Health Foundation Books, the publishing division of the foundation, was established five years ago today. Then in its 85th year of service dedicated to the welfare of people with emotional problems, AMHF has since been the proud publisher (as the accompanying photograph from BookExpo America indicates) of four titles by the incomparable Erich […]

“No Person Will Be Untestable” Presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the New England Psychological Association

The American Mental Health Foundation presented on October 18, 2014, at the New England Psychological Association conference, Bates College, Lewiston, Maine. This was the third annual poster presentation made by AMHF. Executive Director Evander Lomke and professional-advisory-board member Dr. William Van Ornum talked to interested convention-goers about the project under development with Pearson Assessments: “No […]

AMHF: Advancing Mental Health for 90 Years

The Fourth Annual Report of the American Mental Health Foundation

Following is the fourth Annual Report (November 1, 2013, to October 31, 2014) of The American Mental Health Foundation (AMHF), a research organization formed in 1924, incorporated in New York State December 31, 1954. In 2014, AMHF celebrates ninety years of philanthropic service and activities—“Advancing Mental Health.” Vision: Building a More Compassionate Society—Get Involved! This […]

Sign up for CEU Today! FREE November 6, 2014, Interactive Webinar, by Renowned Play Therapist Dr. Eric J. Green, on Crisis Counseling: “Disaster Mental Health with Children and Families”

Sign up for CEU here, while places last, for Dr. Eric Green’s live and interactive Webinar: “Disaster Mental Health with Children and Families: Playing in Peril.” (Viewing the Webinar is free as is viewing Dr. Green’s September 5 Webinar: see last paragraph regarding the earlier Webinar.) For “Disaster Mental Health with Children and Families” on […]

Cyberbullying: A Steady Stream of Vitriol to Children with Low Self-esteem

“[Cyberbullying is] a burgeoning area of interest for students in different fields, including education and information technology as well as social work. Factor-Inwentash is a natural place to investigate the phenomenon…social workers have always dealt with issues of discrimination and marginalization. When studying mental-health concerns, their profession places special emphasis on examining the social environments […]

Sign up Here for September 5, 2014, AMHF Webinar by Dr. Eric J. Green

For the September 5, 2014, Webinar by Dr. Eric J. Green on Integrating Expressive Arts and Play Therapy with Adults: Toward Self-healing and Renewal, sign up today! The link to the test for certification from NASW. For APT certification, which does not require taking or passing the test, contact *protected email* . (Dr. Green’s latest book […]

Understanding Adam Lanza and the Newtown-Sandy Hook Mass Killings

A year-and-a-half following the horrible killings at the Sandy Hook, Connecticut, elementary school, we Americans are still searching our souls, trying to understand how this tragedy could happen, why it did, what might have been the warning signs before young Adam Lanza snapped. Journalist Andrew Solomon met with Adam’s father, Peter Lanza, over six gut-wrenching […]

Having an Impact via Social Media

I do not typically “get personal” in posting News Items and Blogs on the AMHF Web site. This one is an exception. I was inspired by a July 21, 2014, article in The New Yorker from reporter Seth Mnookin entitled “One of a Kind”. Several letters to the editor, appearing in the August 11 & […]

The New York Times and News Regarding the Brain on Any Given Day

One of the world’s largest publishing houses was named by co-founder Bennett Cerf Random House. The name describes the true nature of trade-book publishing. (In fact, one publisher goes one better, calling itself Serendipity Press.) It is an interesting word: Random. Many of a philosophic or theological disposition believe nothing in life occurs randomly: that […]

Anatomy of Delusion by Dr. Henry Kellerman to Be Published by American Mental Health Foundation Books

March 24, 2015, is the official publication date of Anatomy of Delusion by Dr. Henry Kellerman. Advance copies will be available later this year. This groundbreaking book may be pre-ordered by clicking on the above link. Dr. Kellerman has published thirty books. He is on the professional advisory board of AMHF. This new work will […]

AMHF at the Brooklyn Book Festival

The publishing program of The American Mental Health Foundation will be well represented at the Brooklyn Book Festival, Booth 207, on Sunday, September 21, 2014. Meet us and help advance mental health!

AMHF: Advancing Mental Health for 90 Years

American Mental Health Webinars: Times

The Webinars by Dr. Eric J. Green, September 5, 2014, and November 6, 2014, are at the following times: September 5 12:00 p.m. EDT to 2:00 p.m. EDT November 6 3:00 p.m. EST to 5:00 p.m. EST Sign up here!

Under the Auspices of AMHF: Early Identification and Prevention of Psychotic Disorders in Children and Youth

What follows is the up-to-the-minute report on the fundamental research project of AMHF and Astor Services for Children & Families 20-month Progress Report – June 9, 2014 Project Goal To design and implement an evaluation and intervention program for both children and adolescents at risk for psychotic disorders and their families. Youth identified as at […]

OCD and Scrupulosity

AMHF Professional Advisory Board member Dr. William Van Ornum is quoted by CNN Health on the subjects of obsessive-compulsive disorder and scrupulosity. Considerable controversy also exists among the professional community regarding issues such as worship itself and OCD or addiction, as well as whether certain seizure disorders manifest, or perhaps mask, themselves as hyper-religiosity.

American Mental Health Foundation to Conduct First Two Interactive Webinars in Its 90-year History, Offering CEU Certification

Dr. Eric J. Green and The American Mental Health Foundation invite you to participate in two interactive Webinars: September 5, 2014,”Integrating Expressive Arts and Play Therapy with Adults: Toward Self-healing and Renewal” Provides the overview, research support, and step-by-step protocol for mental-health clinicians to begin the process of successfully and competently integrating various disciplines of […]

Purple Day

Today, March 26, 2014, is International Purple Day. AMHF joins all families, foundations, and health-care providers on the front lines in raising the flag of Epilepsy Awareness. Epilepsy, which derives from the ancient Greek meaning “to seize,” is a condition of the brain and nervous system. It is caused by lesions in the brain and […]

AMHF Attended the 53rd Annual Meeting of NEPA as Well as NECTOP

AMHF executive director Evander Lomke displayed on the history of the foundation and grants awarded during Poster Session IV, third-floor student lounge of Housatonic Community College in Bridgeport, Connecticut, on October 19, 2013. This community-college setting was surprisingly—even startlingly—impressive. The high-energy meetings of the New England Psychological Association (fifty-third annual conference of NEPA) and Northeast […]

Extraordinary Documentary on a Mental Institution

I have had the opportunity to view an extraordinary documentary entitled Kings Park. Here is what Oliver Sacks has to say: “A brave, compelling look at the life of a state mental hospital and those whose lives it has touched. Lucy Winer has thought long and hard about the subject, and brings to her film […]

The Trend toward Moving Elders out of Institutions

Since April 2013 in Washington, D.C., fifty-eight people have been relocated: from nursing homes to their real homes. These transitions are part of a program, under the auspices of the DC Office on Aging, called Nursing Home Transition. Individuals who qualify for Medicaid received funded services at home. For those who do not, the Office […]

Stabenow-Blunt Excellence in Mental Health Act

The following text is adapted from a press release of Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow. AMHF applauds the efforts behind this enlightened legislation. In mid-December 2013, the United States Senate Finance Committee approved the bipartisan Excellence in Mental Health Act, authored by Senators Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and Roy Blunt (R-MO), to expand access to community mental-health […]

Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act

From the December 31, 2013, issue of National Review: America’s mental-health system is a failure, as the massacres perpetrated by deranged individuals in Newtown, Aurora, and elsewhere have made tragically clear. While 10 million people in America suffer from serious mental illness—including 200,000 on our streets, and 300,000 in our prisons—the federal government has in […]

Eugene Cullen Kennedy and William Van Ornum: Renaissance Men

At eighty-five-plus years (But who’s counting the timeless work of a great man?), Eugene Kennedy—former Roman Catholic priest, theologian, philosopher, novelist, and, oh yes, compassionate psychologist—remains ever relevant and ahead of our times. As we approach the first anniversary of the Newtown-Sandy Hook massacre, with all the horrors and trauma engendered, Eugene Kennedy was way […]

The Third Annual Report of The American Mental Health Foundation

See the Third Annual Report, to Octoer 31, 2013, of The American Mental Health Foundation here.

AMHF Attended the 53rd Annual Meeting of the New England Psychological Association

AMHF presented during Poster Session IV of the 2013 Annual Meeting of NEPA and the Northeast Conference for Teachers of Psychology on October 19, 2013. Many new friends were made at this two-day meeting (Oct. 18-19) as word spread on the work of the Foundation. Special thanks go to Dr. Jeanine Skorinko of Worcester Polytech […]

AMHF to Exhibit at the Brooklyn Book Festival September 22

AMHF Books will exhibit and sell its books, at special half-price discount, at the Brooklyn Book Festival: rain or shine, Sunday, September 22, Booth 72. Please come and learn more about the work of AMHF.

Henry Kellerman, Ph.D. Joins AMHF Professional Advisory Board

Dr. Henry Kellerman—author and/or editor of nearly thirty books, including Personality: How It Forms and Anatomy of Delusion (from American Mental Health Foundation Books in 2014)—is the latest member of the foundation Professional Advisory Board. Kellerman, who has a practice in New York City, is also the author of Sleep Disorders: Insomnia and Narcolepsy; The […]

Psychiatry Films from AMHF: “The Bell Jar” (1979, 2013?)

This is the final blog in the AMHF series of twenty-one films relating to “Hollywood and Psychiatry.” These blogs have taken us from ca. 1921, and the release of silent classic The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, a mere three years before The American Mental Health Foundation was organized, into the twenty-first century. The first blog […]

Psychiatry Films from AMHF: “Girl, Interrupted” (1999)

This is film number twenty of twenty-one in the AMHF series, focusing on a range of Hollywood depictions of psychiatry, analysts, and individuals under analysis, from the silent era to the present. (The final film for discussion, an updated version of The Bell Jar, will be included as a kind of “what may be” assuming […]

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